LEXINGTON, Kentucky, August 19, 2021 – Engi-Mat continues to be the world’s leading developer and producer of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+x nanoparticles, or Bi2212, a critical material in the manufacture of superconducting wire for large scale accelerator magnets and related applications. New funding from the Department of Energy’s Office of High Energy Physics both acknowledges Engi-Mat’s success to date in this area and recognizes the need for continued development to enable broader commercialization of Bi2212 superconducting wire.
Engi-Mat’s originally received funding from the DOE in response to its proposal “Bi2212 Powder Production with Wide Tmax Window for High Field Magnet Applications” in 2018. Successful technical results yielded additional funding in 2019. New funding received this month enables the development and scaling effort to continue under Phase IIA of the SBIR program. Throughout the research effort, Engi-Mat has worked closely with its key collaborators at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Bruker OST, and the Applied Superconductivity Center and the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory (latest news shown here), both of which are located on the campus of Florida State University.
In parallel to this research effort, Engi-Mat continues to offer its market-leading Bi2212 powder to its customers in the field of superconducting materials.